Showing posts with label Norway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norway. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Oh My! Social Media is Hilarious!

Spain raises temperature requirements to 25°C.

That was a headline that popped up on one of my social media feeds from a reputable(?) news organization. It was saying how Brits would suffer in air conditioned rooms, that cannot be lower than 77°F. The horror of it all. (Didn't they once rule India)? I think it might be hot, although I have never been there. Maybe it was a lot cooler, before global warming, /s

I have never been to Spain, but would think it is a rather warm country and traveling there to stay 24/7 in an air conditioned room, would seem to be a waste of time for me. I would expect myself to be out and about most of the day... sightseeing. 

If the room was too darn hot at night, I could pack my bags and go sightseeing in Norway or something. But, it may be the Brits are required by law to visit Spain during hot weather. Not familiar with their laws. 😀

Begging  on social media site.

There are some folks that have no problem talking about others behind their back. Then there is talking on one website about others on another website, while not mentioning the other person, but mentioning the website.

This happened recently and the complaint was about someone on another website "begging" for some type of monetary or donation assistance.

In my life, all manner of instances regarding someone wanting something for some cause.

  • High school kids selling magazines for some cause.
  • Girl Scouts selling cookies for some cause.
  • Door to door salesman trying to sell stuff for their profit.
  • Emails galore about some charity
  • Charities infiltrating the work place
  • Charities congregating outside of stores.
  • Churches passing the collection plate
  • Panhandlers all over the place.
The list is endless, so why complain about something on a social media site, that can easily be scrolled past, unlike some of the above? I sometimes wonder, if these complainers about that other social media site, are also complaining on that website... about the the current one they are complaining on?

(I have not mentioned any websites by name, as is frequently done on these various websites, so I can pretend to be above the fray).

Elon Mush and social media

The basic premise being that Elon Musk is really not so important, other than through social media, and does not deserve the social media attention. 

I saw this complaint about Elon Musk ON SOCIAL MEDIA. 

It comforts my soul to realize there might be stupider people than I. Which, when I think about it a bit more... is not so comforting and actually downright troubling. 😓Maybe we are doomed!

A round earth was a scam and now Flat earth is a scam.

A while back the nutcases were proffering the notion the earth was flat and the Illuminati or whomever are lying to us. 

Now some of these same cretins are saying the earth is not flat, and the United Nations is attempting to deceive us, by saying the earth is flat. 

Which spins faster... the earth or some of these loonies' heads?😲


Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...