Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

My electricity bills over time (November, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI. 

The October bill came in much higher than last year. +16.2% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

It is up +0.4% from a year earlier. I'll take that and be happy, as it is below other cost of living factors.

[EDIT: 12-17-24. While I will continue to track the my electricity usage for personal reasons, I will discontinue publications of said usage going forward]

Saturday, October 19, 2024

My electricity bills over time (October, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The September bill came in much lower than last year. -8.3% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

It is down -2.5% from a year earlier. I'll take that and be happy.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

My electricity bills over time (September, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The August bill came in much lower than last year. -10.5% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

I can take any good news and this is getting better.

Friday, August 23, 2024

My electricity bills over time (August, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The July bill came in much higher than last year. +24.5% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

The number of days, as well as temps were the main factor, as the cost per KWH, was 12.77¢, versus last year's 12.83¢.

Finally, we have had a bit of cool down, but that is ending this weekend. Have to wait until next month to see any downward movement.

Monday, July 15, 2024

My electricity bills over time (July, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The July bill came in much higher than last year. +23.8% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

The rolling average is down -4.8% from one year ago. However, I am not sure that will last, as it has been hot AND dry in my neck of the woods. 

Hopefully, a cool spell will ease into the forecast. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

My electricity bills over time (June, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The June bill came in lower than the past 3 years and down -8.4% from one year ago. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

The rolling average is down -8.2% from one year ago. Another hopeful sign.

As for average by year, (note 2024 only has 6 months).

In theory, the remainder of 2024, should pull that number down. How much?

I should also point out... my weighting for electricity, is higher than the CPI. That is due to my overall expenditures being much lower than the Statistical CPI household. Which also means that movement in electricity bills have greater impact on my overall spending.

The weather is set to really heat up, so next month's electricity bill will likely come in much higher. I won't sweat it too much, as the thermostat will stay the same. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

My electricity bills over time (May, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

On a 12 month rolling average, my costs are down -7.1% from previous year.

While it is improving... long gone are the days of less than $100 per month moving average.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

My electricity bills over time (April, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

On a 12 month rolling average, my costs are down 6.6% from previous year.

It is back to summer of 2022, but I don't really expect anymore slippage. One can hope, however.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

My electricity bills over time (March, 2024 Edition)

Just for fun, I track my electricity usage and voila!!

Here is the annual average by year, which is distorted for 2024, as a few higher months are in play. Should come down as the heating season transitions to cooling. The latter will lift back up until the transistion period into heating.

Another way to view consumption is with a rolling 12 month average...

Obviously, the peak was in 2022, which was frought with energy price turmoil. Things appear to be settling back down, but I have no expectation for a return to levels seen only a short time ago. The rolling average is -5.4% below year ago levels.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

My electricity bills over time (February, 2024 Edition)

Yep, time for the review of electricity consumption... MINE!

The year over year rolling 12 month has seen a decline of -5.8%. HOWEVER... December of 2022 was frigid, at least compared to December of this year. January had the heat running much more, up +10.6% over December.. Right now, February is looking good... so far. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

My electricity bills over time (January, 2024 Edition)

It is January, and the monthly bill has arrived.

The year over year rolling 12 month has seen a decline of -8.5%. HOWEVER... December of 2022 was frigid, at least compared to December of this year. January has gotten the heat running much more. It is keeping up and its not as cold as that December, 2022 period. At least not yet!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

My electricity bills over time (December 2023 Edition)

It's December and the monthly bill has arrived.

As always, weather is a factor in consumption, which is why a rolling average is also important. Currently, that 12 month rolling average is -2.4% below last year. 
[I suspect it might continue to be lower, as I altered the thermostat settings in December of 2022. I adjusted the nighttime heating settings from 68°F to 72°F, which would increase the usage in winter time. Daytime heat settings remained at 72°F.

Cooling settings remain at 76°F daytime and 72°F for nighttime. Additionally, the number of days between meter readings vary.]

The conclusion at this point, is this year's electricity bill is running -2.7% below last year. THAT is a good thing. 😀

To put my in perspective the average family spends $160.22 per month on Electricity. They also, spend roughly $2,600 on gasoline per year, whereas I spend roughly $200.

The point being, I am not average. None of us are truly average... we are above or below in most things.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

My electricity bills over time (January 2017~ November 2023)

Once again, I monitor my residential electricity costs.

As always, weather is a factor in consumption, which is why a rolling average is also important. Currently, that 12 month rolling average is -2.4% below last year. 
[I suspect it might continue to be lower, as I altered the thermostat settings in December of 2022. I adjusted the nighttime heating settings from 68°F to 72°F, which would increase the usage in winter time. Daytime heat settings remained at 72°F.

Cooling settings remain at 76°F daytime and 72°F for nighttime. Additionally, the number of days between meter readings vary.]
Currently, the 2023 average is below last year. Also, it should be noted that year over year... or base effects come into play, which tends to hide the overall increases. 

So what might seem like good news, still carries quite a bite on the budget. The CPI-U suggests that the average consumer spends about 2.559% of their expenses on electricity... or about $150 per month. 

My average is significantly short of that dollar amount, percentage wise. However my electricity expenses, compared to overall expenses, is well north of 2.559%. Which means other items in the expenditure basket are constrained.

While it (electricity costs) might end up being below last year, the cost of that electricity  has surged 10.2% since February, 2021. I don't expect it to fall back to levels of that time. 

This month's bill, is the lowest in this range, but the billing month was for a mere 24 days. 466 KWH was usage, so 13.65¢ per KWH. Last month was 33 days, at 13.7¢ per KWH.

Monday, September 25, 2023

My electricity bills over time (January 2017~ September 2023)

Once again, I monitor my residential electricity costs.

As always, weather is a factor in consumption, which is why a rolling average is also important. Currently, that 12 month rolling average is +0.6% above last year. Which might indicate the cost running slightly below last year, when factoring in the following.
[I suspect it might be lower, as I altered the thermostat settings in December of 2022. I adjusted the nighttime heating settings from 68°F to 72°F, which would increase the usage in winter time. Daytime heat settings remained at 72°F.

Cooling settings remain at 76°F daytime and 72°F for nighttime. Additionally, the number of days between meter readings vary.]


Currently, the 2023 average is above last year, but that is with 3 more months of bills to follow, which are generally... sightly lower than current average. Also, it should be noted that year over year... or base effects come into play, which tends to hide the overall increases. 

So what might seem like good news, still carries quite a bite on the budget. The CPI-U suggests that the average consumer spends about 2.559% of their expenses on electricity... or about $150 per month. 

My average is significantly short of that dollar amount, percentage wise. However my electricity expenses, compared to overall expenses, is well north of 2.559%. Which means other items in the expenditure basket are constrained.

While it (electricity costs) might end up being below last year, the cost of that electricity  has surged 11.6% since February, 2021. I don't expect it to fall back to levels of that time.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

A look at my electricity bills over time

I do odd things, one of which is monitoring my electric bills. 

Obviously, my electricity usage is based on weather, which does change from time to time. While the graph is based on actual payments based on month bill is due, I utilize a rolling 12 month average, to gauge year to year changes.

Currently that 12 month rolling average is +3.1% above year ago levels. I suspect it might be lower, as I altered the thermostat settings in December of 2022. I adjusted the nighttime heating settings from 68°F to 72°F, which would increase the usage in winter time. Daytime heat settings remained at 72°F.

Cooling settings remain at 76°F daytime and 72°F for nighttime.

Currently, the 2023 average is below last year, but that is with 4 more months of bills, which are generally higher than current average. Also, it should be noted that year over year... or base effects come into play, which tends to hide the overall increases. 

So what might seem like good news, still carries quite a bite on the budget. The CPI-U suggests that the average consumer spends about 2.754% of their expenses on electricity... or about $150 per month. 

While my average is significantly short of that dollar amount, percentage wise... my electricity expenses are well north of 2.754%.

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...