Showing posts with label shipping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shipping. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2021

Rules Are For Thee, Not For Me.


Granted I ran across this on a political website, but it reminded me of everyday America.
For some reason we each have our favorite rules, which we expect everyone to strictly adhere to and become indignant when we see these people not observing these rules. 

On the other hand there are rules each of us consider ridiculous, typically flaunt and utilize the excuse that everyone is doing it. 

It should be noted that major crimes should not fall into this category. There is, however, many rules/laws/ordinances/statutes that are routinely ignored by all, with minimal enforcement by authorities. (Notice how only an "I" distinguishes between ordnance and ordinance.)

I would say it is possible that there are too many laws to be enforced, but many of those laws were advocated by someone's constituency. That constituency would consider that rule you think is silly, as something near sacrosanct. 

At some point, I can see where society might begin to boil over and become rather testy. 

Glad to see Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, et al are back on line. I was really worried the sun would not rise tomorrow. /s

Cost of Shipping Between China and the U.S. Plunges...
Every railyard in the U.S. is clogged, every port is clogged, ships are waiting off shore of every port, in record numbers. Big companies were paying big money to charter vessels and bid up containers to bring stuff over. China's ports are even more clogged that the U.S. 

Money doesn't always buy happiness, nor does it guarantee a just in time delivery, with the afore-mentioned in play. Is somebody starting to realize that?

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...