Showing posts with label cpi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cpi. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Few Reports and some opinions... of course!

The CPI came out today and now that Trump is in office, it has suddenly turned terrible. Nevermind, it is for January, so remarkable for just 11 days in office. /s

The media's memory is a bit wacky, with claims that it has suddenly shifted upward, even though the lowest annual rate since February 2021 was this past September.

A trip down memory lane...

The real earnings report has been ignored and for good reason... weekly wages, when adjusted for inflation have now fallen back to June, 2024 levels. That's seven months, since weekly wages adjusted for inflation have been this low.
Note: The BLS reports both CPI and Real Earnings.

As for the energy report from the EIA, not much in extreme changes. Pump prices will likely rise, but should be noted... still below year ago levels. Of course, the rise will become political, as everything else.

Tariffs... A lot of talk about the damaging effects of tariffs, but the whole matter of FTZ status of dozens of companies have been ignored. A FTZ or "Foreign Trade Zone" status, means a company pays no tariffs, until the end product is sold to the public. There are many large and small companies with FTZs, which include energy companies (refineries, etc.) and automobile companies with their component assemblies. 

Once you understand the magnitude of FTZs, then you should consider that tariffs have long been in existence. 

Another serious argument put forth by many... is the Smoot Hawley act devastated the U.S. Economy during the depression, or at least made it worse. Not sure correlation was causation for this period. It does give the trade aficionados a talking point.

Yes, tariffs will cause inflation. However, off shoring of goods was a primary reason for the erosion of the middle class in the U.S. We basically beat inflation, by utilizing cheap foreign labor. We cannot hope to restore the middle class, without reshoring. 

It really is that simple. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

1-17-2025 Week In Review

Laugh of the week

Watching Sky News and a lady proclaimed that social media sites should be held to the same strict standards as newspaper publishers and television news sites. Clearly she meant the UK, but some of the craziest and insane misinformation has come to me via Sky News and UK newspapers. 

Admittedly, the UK media is not as off the rails as American Media.

Greenland, what if...

If Greenland were to be independent, would it still be part of NATO? If not, why would we think they would align with the USA. China and/or Russia would run the bids up, imo. A strategic part of the world could be up for grabs.

Don't just laugh off the "Greenland" rhetoric, imho.

Climate Change

Accepting that the climate is definitely changing, why is all the focus all on the halt of bad emissions? If we were to suddenly halt these bad emissions, things will not return to normal the next day. In fact it would take many decades, if not hundreds of years. 

During that period of time, the ice caps will continue to melt, the oceans will continue to rise and the storm patterns will persist. The state of Florida will likely be under water, much of New York City will be under water. So why aren't preparations being made NOW... for such events?

Which brings me to...

LA Fires

There has always been wild fires in California, yet climate change is now considered the root cause. Yet nothing is being done to prepare for what should be considered a certainty. 

Blaming "climate change" is much easier than doing something, imho. 

Cease Fire

I am typing this on Thursday, 1-16-2025. Call me skeptical, but this seems like a peace deal for Biden, that will fall apart immediately and the Democrats will attempt to blame it on Trump. It theoretically takes place on Sunday, the 19th, so I think shortly after noon on the 20th... things will fall apart. 

Economic reports this week

A lot of pink, which indicates rising numbers, but not above expectations, imo.

Also, the retail sales report clocked in with an inflation adjusted +1.0% over the preceding 12 months. The current inflation adjusted sales is the highest since January, 2023.


Pump prices will likely rise about a nickel over the next couple of weeks. Which matches the nickel rise over the past week. 

That's it, this is getting boring.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

BLS Data Dump. Real Earnings - December 11th, 2024

On to the Real Earnings. 

Harkening back to February 2020, when the real hourly rate was $11.02, that rate is now $11.25 for hourly- private non farm payrolls, seasonally adjusted...  

Whereas real  weekly earnings for that same cohort has moved from $378.92 to $385.99, up 43¢ from last month, after revisions...

For the real hourly earnings of Production and Non-Supervisory of $9.49 in February 2020, is now $9.87. Up 2¢ from last month's report...
The real weekly earnings for this group moved from $319.90, to 332.45. Up 4¢ from last month, after revisions...
All the above data is based directly on the CPI-U to get the "real" component. 

[While I will continue to track the real earning report for personal reasons, I will discontinue publications of real earnings going forward]

BLS Data Dump. CPI - December 11th, 2024

First up is the BLS Report for CPI...(historical releases)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November, after rising 0.2 percent in each of the previous 4 months, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose 0.3 percent in November, accounting for nearly forty percent of the monthly all items increase. The food index also increased over the month, rising 0.4 percent as the food at home index increased 0.5 percent and the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent. The energy index rose 0.2 percent over the month, after being unchanged in October.

The 2.749% is above last month's 2.598% is back above the 2.62% of March, 2021, and still above the 1.68% of February, 2021.  

Here is the unadjusted CPI for the past 12 months...

My own personal CPI stayed steady at 2.9% Y/Y, but rose +0.3% on the month (I'm not thrilled, but still a bit happy with that) ...
The current report card...

My concern going forward, is that several elements of the CPI are at seasonal norms, as in likely to head upward. The various forecasts, seem to agree.

[While I will continue to track the CPI for personal reasons, I will discontinue publications of CPI going forward]

Saturday, November 16, 2024

My electricity bills over time (November, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI. 

The October bill came in much higher than last year. +16.2% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

It is up +0.4% from a year earlier. I'll take that and be happy, as it is below other cost of living factors.

[EDIT: 12-17-24. While I will continue to track the my electricity usage for personal reasons, I will discontinue publications of said usage going forward]

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

BLS Data Dump. Real Earnings - November 13th, 2024

On to the Real Earnings.

Harkening back to February 2020, when the real hourly rate was $11.02, that rate is now $11.24 for hourly- private non farm payrolls, seasonally adjusted (last month was revised downward)...  

Whereas real  weekly earnings for that same cohort has moved from $378.92 to $385.56, up 47¢ from last month, after revisions...
For the real hourly earnings of Production and Non-Supervisory of $9.49 in February 2020, is now $9.85. Up 1¢ from last month's report...
The real weekly earnings for this group moved from $319.90, to 332.41. Down 46¢ from last month, after revisions...
All the above data is based directly on the CPI-U to get the "real" component. 

BLS Data Dump. CPI - November 13th, 2024

First up is the BLS Report for CPI...(historical releases)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in October, the same increase as in each of the previous 3 months, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.6 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose 0.4 percent in October, accounting for over half of the monthly all items increase. The food index also increased over the month, rising 0.2 percent as the food at home index increased 0.1 percent and the food away from home index rose 0.2 percent. The energy index was unchanged over the month, after declining 1.9 percent in September.

The 2.598% is still below the 2.62% of March, 2021, but still above the 1.68% of February, 2021. 

Here is the unadjusted CPI for the past 12 months...

My own personal CPI rose 2.9% Y/Y, and rose +0.2% on the month (I'm not thrilled, but still a bit happy with that) ...
Taking a look at the current report card...

The optimism of returning to the good old days on inflation... is waning for me. Especially given the forecast for November, and energy prices will start to move upward, as is normal on a seasonal basis.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

My electricity bills over time (October, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The September bill came in much lower than last year. -8.3% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

It is down -2.5% from a year earlier. I'll take that and be happy.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

BLS Data Dump. Real Earnings - October 10th, 2024

On to the Real Earnings.

Harkening back to February 2020, when the real hourly rate was $11.02, that rate is now $11.24 for hourly- private non farm payrolls, seasonally adjusted...  

Whereas real  weekly earnings for that same cohort has moved from $378.92 to $384.29, down 40¢ from last month...

For the real hourly earnings of Production and Non-Supervisory of $9.49 in February 2020, is now $9.84. Up 1¢ from last month's report...

The real weekly earnings for this group moved from $319.90, to 331.56. Up 42¢ from last month...

All the above data is based directly on the CPI-U to get the "real" component. 

BLS Data Dump. CPI - October 10th, 2024

First up is the BLS Report for CPI...(historical releases)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same increase as in August and July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose 0.2 percent in September, and the index for food increased 0.4 percent. Together, these two indexes contributed over 75 percent of the monthly all items increase. The food at home index increased 0.4 percent in September and the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent over the month. The energy index fell 1.9 percent over the month, after declining 0.8 percent the preceding month. 

The 2.44% is below the 2.62% of March, 2021, but still above the 1.68% of February, 2021.

Here is the unadjusted CPI for the past 12 months...

My own personal CPI rose 2.8% Y/Y, but rose +0.2% on the month (I'm not thrilled, but still a bit happy with that) ...

Taking a look at the current report card...

The COLA is 2.5%, for 2025.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

My electricity bills over time (September, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The August bill came in much lower than last year. -10.5% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

I can take any good news and this is getting better.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

BLS Data Dump. Real Earnings - September 11th, 2024

On to the Real Earnings.

Harkening back to February 2020, when the real hourly rate was $11.02, that rate is now $11.21 for hourly- private non farm payrolls, seasonally adjusted...  

Whereas real  weekly earnings for that same cohort has moved from $378.92 to $384.47, up from last month...

For the real hourly earnings of Production and Non-Supervisory of $9.49 in February 2020, is now $9.83. Up 2¢ from last month's report...

The real weekly earnings for this group moved from $319.90, to 331.36. Up 74¢ from last month...

All the above data is based directly on the CPI-U to get the "real" component. 

BLS Data Dump. CPI - September 11th, 2024

First up is the BLS Report for CPI...(historical releases)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same increase as in July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose 0.5 percent in August and was the main factor in the all items increase. The food index increased 0.1 percent in August, after rising 0.2 percent in July. The index for food away from home rose 0.3 percent over the month, while the index for food at home was unchanged. The energy index fell 0.8 percent over the month, after being unchanged the preceding month.

The 2.53% is finally below the 2.62% of March, 2021, but still above the 1.68% of February, 2021.

Here is the unadjusted CPI for the past 12 months...

My own personal CPI rose 2.7% Y/Y, but rose +0.1% on the month (I'm happy with that) ...

Taking a look at the current report card...

My inflation rate is slowing, but following several years of my personal inflation being below the COLA, I am not so happy, with the current outlook.

So the likelihood of 2.5% is very real, with an outside potential for 2.4%. That 2.6% from last month's projection is very, very... not likely.

We'll see next month.

Friday, August 23, 2024

My electricity bills over time (August, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The July bill came in much higher than last year. +24.5% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

The number of days, as well as temps were the main factor, as the cost per KWH, was 12.77¢, versus last year's 12.83¢.

Finally, we have had a bit of cool down, but that is ending this weekend. Have to wait until next month to see any downward movement.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

BLS Data Dump. CPI - August 13th, 2024

First up is the BLS Report for CPI...(historical releases)

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, after declining 0.1 percent in June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.9 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose 0.4 percent in July, accounting for nearly 90 percent of the monthly increase in the all items index. The energy index was unchanged over the month, after declining in the two preceding months. The index for food increased 0.2 percent in July, as it did in June. The food away from home index rose 0.2 percent over the month, and the food at home index increased 0.1 percent. 

It was a bit below the expectations of 3.0% on the annual, and the 0.2% was seasonally adjusted up from the actual 0.116%. So not so bad, and in fact... fairly decent.

For the record: February 2021, 1.7%; March 2021, 2.6%. 

Here is the unadjusted CPI for the past 12 months...

My own personal CPI rose 3.0% Y/Y, but slid -0.2% on the month (I'm happy with that) ...

Taking a look at the current report card...

My inflation rate is slowing, but following several years of my personal inflation being below the COLA, I am not so happy, with the current outlook.

That's it for this month's CPI... maybe!

Uhoh!! Edited at 10:30PM, 8-14-2024. changes made to COLA projections, based on +0.1%~+0.2% August projection and September at -0.1%~+0.1%. The likelihood of 2.5% COLA is now very likely. imho.

BLS Data Dump. Real Earnings - August 13th, 2024

On to the Real Earnings.

Harkening back to February 2020, when the real hourly rate was $11.02, that rate is now $11.19 for hourly- private non farm payrolls, seasonally adjusted...  

Whereas real  weekly earnings for that same cohort has moved from $378.92 to $382.54, down from last month...

For the real hourly earnings of Production and Non-Supervisory of $9.49 in February 2020, is now $9.80. Up 1¢ from last month's report...

The real weekly earnings for this group moved from $319.90, to 330.40. Down 50¢ from last month...

All the above data is based directly on the CPI-U to get the "real" component. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

My electricity bills over time (July, 2024 Edition)

My electricity usage over time. I track many things to monitor my inflation versus the CPI.

The July bill came in much higher than last year. +23.8% from same month, last year. Granted, it is bill only, not adjusted for days in the reading, etc.

As for the rolling 12 month average...

The rolling average is down -4.8% from one year ago. However, I am not sure that will last, as it has been hot AND dry in my neck of the woods. 

Hopefully, a cool spell will ease into the forecast. 

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...