Showing posts with label GDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GDP. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2024

Review of August 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary continues to improve, although PCE ex food and energy inflation numbers continue to be a concern.

A lot of hoopla about the overall, but that PCE ex-F&E edged upward.

Now for the revisions in previous months...

Personal income, etc. is shown here.

The GDP 3rd estimate can be found here.

Note the uptick in the trade deficit. A part of that may be the front loading of imports in preparation of possible East and Gulf Coast port strike, possible on 10-1. Both sides seem to be playing chicken at this point. Each day of a strike would in theory... hamper $4.5 in imports and $2.8B in exports. 

That front loading should likely have a bit of drag on 3rd Quarter GDP, but certainly not like the 1st half of 2022... which was almost entirely responsible for those back to back negative quarters.

By end of October, we will have the first glimpse of 3Q GDP and whether there was a strike.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Review of July 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers continue to be a concern... going forward. 

Regarding personal income, etc., read here.

The 2nd quarter GDP was revised upward. I was puzzled by the statement regarding consumer spending and thus the headlines of resilient consumers. I would have expected consumer spending to be at or above the overall GDP announcement. 

But that is just me. It is an election year and important to convince the consumers... they are doing well.

Oh Joy!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Review of June 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers continue to be a concern... going forward.

Regarding personal income, etc., read here.

The 2nd quarter GDP came in above expectations at 2.8% annualized. I was puzzled by the slower growth in Services at 2.2% annualized, which helps explain the 2.3% annualized for personal consumption. Durable goods up 4.6% and nondurables at 1.4%, both annualized.

Overall a good report, but I would be a bit concerned if fixed investment can continue its expansion, which is equipment driven, while inventories keep building.

As for the PCE excluding food and energy... not much movement. Granted the market is anticipating a rate cut in September... and it might be warranted. A string of rate cuts might not be so warranted, imho. 

We can start the cycle again for next month, with the likelihood of CPI being at or slightly above this past month's reading. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Review of May 2024 data, 1Q GDP revisions, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers are of concern... going forward.

Regarding personal income, etc., read here.

The GDP for 2024Q1 was revised ever so slightly upward to 1.4% annualized. Only time will tell if that gets revised on September 26th.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Review of April 2024 data, 1Q GDP revisions, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary is not so bad, actually.

The best that can be said, is inflation has stabilized, with a further slowing in the cards, by end of the year.

What is striking, is the downward tilt in disposable income AND personal consumption expenditures.

If you carefully look, the previous month was also revised downward, for those two items.

If spending is slowing, it would follow that demand is slowing, which would/should... slow inflation going forward.

As for the GDP revision... it was not unexpected. The story has now become the service sector. Not terribly worrisome, but what caught my eye, is the trade imbalance, which jumped. 

Oh well, that's a wrap for May.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Review of March 2024 data, 1Q GDP, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary is not so wonderful, incomparison...

Inside all that pink is some troubling food related issues. Even though energy is somewhat in a narrow band, the food outlook is upward. The CPI-U expectations for the report on April, seemingly indicates a repeat of Mar-2024, outpacing the monthly core, although core is expected to ease a bit. Still above the overall CPI-U.

As for the personal income arena... this is the link...

There seems to be quite a jump in spending, versus Disposable personal income... for 2 consecutive months. Not sure there was much cash on hand, so the disposable is likely in the form of additional debt. 

Of course the above report mentioned a rise in goods. Perhaps it did, but the 1Q GDP did not reflect that. 

As for GDP, it now stands at 1.6% annualized for 1Q2024. The Trade deficit loomed large in the quarter and shows no signs of abating.

The reports for the month, ended up in so-so territory, imho. I am sure it will get spun hard in each direction. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Review of February 2024 data, 4Q GDP Revision, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary...

The overall PCE edged upward, on annual basis, with PCE ex food and energy staying flat. 

Of course, the official got revised up for January, which indicates a difference from my report...

As for the personal income arena... this is the link...

Note the revisions as always, and I would recommend tracking the data monthly. Revisions are normal part of the cycle, as more data comes in. Recently however... previous data seems to come in a tad lower, which results in inflated current estimates. This was not always the case.

As for GDP, it seems to have edged up for 2023-4Q. I am not going to beat that horse over trade deficit numbers. I will simply state that prior to transfer of data from 2012 dollars into 2017 dollars, the GDP was marginally better. That adjustment amounts to about 1.9% annualized. So just take that with a grain of salt, as it is just my opinion.

One remaining bit of info can be found here. While I might harangue about the national debt, the 2023 year end net international investment was released. UGLY, at almost $20T. THAT IS WHAT WE OWE OTHER COUNTRIES.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Review of January 2024 data, 4Q GDP Revision, PCE and personal income

The monthly summary...

The downward shift in inflation continues across the board, with the exception of my price index, which is more about healthcare than any other weightings.

There were modest revisions in the PCE report, which are highlighted in Red.

I have made much of government spending on the GDP, but historically... not so abnormal (all charts from 2000Q1 onward...

A bit grainy in the upload, but trends are evident. The worrying factor is the trade deficit, while showing a bit of improvement the past few months, is still staggering compared to 10 years ago.

Bored silly, so will leave it there. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Review of December 2023 data, 4Q GDP, PCE and personal income

Alas, 2023 reports have concluded. The GDP's 4Q advance reading indicates a sterling 3.1% rise. I will make mention of the 5 year Quinquennial revision from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars. As would be expected the numbers jumped 9.0%. I can't help but notice the big drag on GDP of net exports of good and services, slid a whopping -26.7%

Even under the revised numbers, that latter component fell another -5.9% from one year ago.

PCE, which is typically 68.7% of GDP under the 2017 revision, made up 58.3% of that yearly increase. 

Which gives pause to the notion of the consumer driving those GDP numbers, when in fact they appear to have been a bit of drag.

Gross private investment, also underperformed. The real over achievers were government and net exports of good and services. 

It is what it is.

PCE ex. food and energy ease from 3.4% to 3.2%. The overall remained unchanged.

All in all, a decent end to the 2023 years.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Review of November 2023 data, GDP, PCE and personal income

 I'll try not to harp about this too much. The BEA switched from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars for 3Q23, and adjusted prior data. I download all such reports, so I can easily tell the difference.

The trade deficit is a drag on GDP, thus in the 2Q23 original report, that drag was -5.95%. As of right now, after those adjustments... the drag is-4.14%. Quite an improvement. The stated +4.9% GDP is a catch up to what can only be viewed as under-reporting of previous quarters. 

How that change affects going forward, is uncertain to me. Given the wide array of expectations for 4Q23, I am thinking not everyone is on the same page. I am done harping about this.

Now on to the PCE report, after reviewing adjustments...

Yes, inflation is slowing, not deflating, with the exception of gasoline, which looks to have stopped falling.

The monthly summary...

All in all, a pretty good monthly report card. I do think the market is making too big a deal on expectations of the FED cutting rates before summer, but what do I know?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Further Review of 3rd Quarter, 2023 GDP... just for fun!!

So yes, the GDP was revised to 5.2% annualized, from 4.9% annualized. That does not mean the economy is robust. It's not bad, but robust is a bit of hype for politicians.

The BEA moved from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars for the 3rd quarter releases and going forward, until next change in... say 5 years.

In theory, it should have been even across the board, after compensating for 5 years of dollar value adjustments, etc. Such as inflation being about 7.5% during that 5 year period.

If only there was someone, somewhere that downloads those excel spreadsheets from each GDP iteration.


Note the column headings for 2012 dollars and 2017 dollars AND the % Change. The changes were clearly not uniform across the various groupings.

While there was a 9% upward adjustment, several groupings failed to match that rise, including some that went negative... while others outpaced the 9% reading.

So in theory, all the numbers going back in time were revised to reflect the current situation. But again, that was very uneven. Just consider the trade deficit, which is a drag on GDP... and those changes.

All in all, it did distort the 3rd quarter readings and possibly provided a misleading annualized number. That would be no big deal... if not for an election year and people willing to make everything political. 

While the current 5.2% annualized is being hailed as something significant, I wonder what will be hailed, when the 4th Qtr. 2023 is revealed on January 25th, 2024. My guess is way below that 5.2%. Back to the 2.0% annualized, or even lower!  

One can imagine the hysteria over such falling numbers, but the adjustment was improperly attributed to a "robust" economy.

So remember... the trade deficit, which is a drag on GDP was revised dramatically lower, after the BIG change for 2012 to 2017 dollars. That trade deficit adjustment was about 100% of that 5.2% annualized, or ±0.1% annualized without that lone adjustment.

You think I might be off my rocker! The current Real GDP rolls in at 22,506.4B, which is a hefty 281B above the 2nd qtr. figure of  22,225.4B. Now take a look at that downward revision of the trade deficit,  -284B. 

Remember the trade deficit is a drag on GDP, so a downward revision in the Trade deficit would result in a higher GDP print. IF the GDP had not been revised downward by -284B, then that +281B gain in GDP would evaporate. As in +0.1% annualized.

Oh well! It is just numbers and you can believe what you want. However... that adjustment was one time only, for the time being and 4Q23 will be significantly lower, imho. How does a drop off from +5.2% annualized to say +1.7% annualized look in an election year. 

One group will claim the economy is crashing into a recession, another group will be saying soft landing is working, and another group will be screaming the FED must cut rates rapidly.

I then ask you, if stating the 3Q23 was actually 0.1% and the 4Q24 was +1.7%, would indeed indicate a possible soft landing. Of course, the groups would likely being crying the same thing... just 3 months earlier.

It is fun to watch all the spin!

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Review of October 2023 data, GDP, PCE and personal income

Just some charts with a bit of commentary...

The headlines proclaimed a resilient consumer propelled the advance estimate of 4.9% annualized... to 5.2%. Seriously, the PCE slipped from 4.0% to 3.6%. You could toss in Residential investment, but you still come up lacking. 

It was a good report, but could have done without the spin, imho.

A couple of charts about PCE. Adjustments are in red. Again, a good report.

And to finish up the charts...

October ended up being an all around good month. May it continue.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Quick Review of The GDP report 2Q-2023, 3rd estimate

First off, the base year for chained dollars is now 2017, instead of the previous 2012.

Secondly, there were revisions in past quarters, or updates. This is done annually. 

  • 2023 Quarter one GDP was revised upward, from 2.0% annualized, to 2.2% annualized.
  • 2023 Quarter one GDI was revised upward from -1.8% annualized to 0.5% annualized.

There are other changes, but that was a sampling.

While the chained dollar report for last month, based on 2012, showed the Real GDP at 20.387T, the new report based on 2017, is now 22.225T. 

However, there were significant reductions in the report, with Durable Goods being reduced, both on the personal consumption level and imports. 

Clearly there were large adjustments elsewhere to overcome those changes, such as in personal consumption services (quite large), Fixed Investment and Government consumption and Net exports of goods and services.

Nothing really out of line from expectations, although the Personal Consumption Expenditures for Goods was quite a drop from Quarter one. However, it is still positive and the drop was not quite a surprise, as the Monthly PCE report has been screaming a sharp decline.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Quick Review of The GDP report 2Q-2023, 2nd estimate

The BEA released the 2nd estimate of 2Q-2023 GDP...

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.1 percent in the second quarter of 2023 (table 1), according to the "second" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.0 percent.

The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the "advance" estimate issued last month. In the advance estimate, the increase in real GDP was 2.4 percent (refer to "Updates to GDP"). The updated estimates primarily reflected downward revisions to private inventory investment and nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by an upward revision to state and local government spending.

Here is a screenshot of the data page... 

Probably the most interesting thing is the GDI of +0.5%, which is the first positive, since 3rd Quarter of 2022.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Quick Review of The Advance GDP report 2Q-2023

First off... a screen shot with some additions.

The report has some positives and some concerns. I would agree with the media reports of Gross private domestic investment carrying the load for the quarter, but is it sustainable... given recent slides and spikes.

I am a bit concerned about the Personsal Consumption Expenditures category, as it gives the appearance of losing steam. As the 70.7% indicates... it is a large part of the economy. It did gain, but lagged the overall. Additionally, the was quite a drop from 1Q performance, which itself was stellar... compared to previous recent quarters.

The trade deficit is weighing as heavily as some recent reports and is back into 2021 range. The big question is whether this will continue.

Lastly... government spending. I am a bit old fashioned, as I consider government spending as something that should match, but never exceed the overall economy... unless some dire circumstances are present. Not seeing that at present.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Review of PCE, GDP, etc., for end of June, 2023

Another month to review (with some comments at the end)...

The following looks good, except....

The outlook for core is actually higher than the total inflation. Which means food and energy are the main drivers of overall lower inflation. Sounds good, except it really isn't food as much as energy. Energy crested in June of last year and then quickly slid... going into September. 

Just saying, the falling overall inflation numbers may come to an abrupt halt in the fall.

Now for the adjustments...

Now for the GDP...

The updated estimates primarily reflected upward revisions to exports and consumer spending that were partly offset by downward revisions to nonresidential fixed investment and federal government spending. 

I highlighted my area of concern. Note the statement of upward revision in consumer spending, then review the PCE expenditures directly above. January was good and presumably the revision upward in February would match up with the quoted statement.

However, April was revised up a mere +0.2 from original flat and May is also flat. 

So where is the growth coming from in the 2nd quarter?

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Review of PCE, GDP, etc., for end of May, 2023


There was a "surprise", as the PCE EX FOOD and ENERGY was higher than forecast. I am not sure why it was a surprise, as the forecast I saw... was for 4.7%. 

Perhaps the surprise was no downward revisions.

I would think the 0.0% rise in chained (2012) dollars for Disposable personal income, compared to PCE of same being at 0.5% would raise some eyebrows. But it is a credit driven economy, so what the heck. Going deeper in debt is the national pastime. 

Even the GDP was touted as going up from advance estimate of 1.1% to 1.4%, as being stellar. While ignoring the GDI for 4th quarter 2022, was revised sharply downward from -1.1% to -3.3%. The GDI for 1st quarter, 2023 came in at a -2.3% mark. 

In any case DPI now stands at +2.6% above the 1st Quarter, 2020 level. Presented without further editorial comment.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Review of PCE, GDP, and other Nonsense, for end of April, 2023

I found some things of interest in the GDP and PCE reports, but first... the usual nonsense.

The sticky prices continue to be the story. 

The 4.6%, in today's report, takes us all the way back to October, 2021 and 4.3%. About the time a suggestion was made to end the use of transitory.

The following chart is a snapshot of this month's report, compared to last month and the revisions are highlighted in red. Nothing sinister, as this happens frequently as it is based on incomplete data, that becomes more complete as time passes. 

In short... this month's data could be revised up or down by next month.

In any case, the PCE came in at expectations. Services saved the day, but before you think of restaurants as services... it is, but on about 18%. Think housing and utilities, which were a bit hot, imho.

Unfortunately, the expectations are a bit higher for April's PCE report. PCE at 4.5 and core at 4.7

GDP came in a surprise 1.1% annualized. The forecast I was looking at, was around 2.0% annualized. The problem with the downside surprise, is the -1.8% forecast for 2nd and 3rd quarter, with -0.6% for the 4th quarter.

The shocker was in the change in private inventory sector, which was -1.6, compared to last month's +136.5. The reason for such a number is where the big story might be. But, I am too tired to contemplated that any further on a Friday night.

Have a nice weekend!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Review of PCE, GDP, and other Nonsense

So here is the various inflation numbers...

Click image to enlarge
This also, includes the latest revisions in the PCE release. I include the previous month's report to indicate any revisions.
Click image to enlarge
For reference only, the PCE ex food and energy, has increased 10.3%, from February, 2021. The cpi-u ex food and energy, increased 12.3% over that period. The CPI including food and energy has risen 14.4%. 

I guess my 1st point being... back in the transitory days of inflation, with it around 5.5%, the prices did not stop rising. So 5.5%, really was transitory. The March data should be slightly below that transitory number, yet I don't expect those proponents of transitory to come out saying... see I told you so. 

The 2nd point being... we were upset when inflation was eroding our purchasing power between 4%~5%, so the sticky prices (ex food and energy) seem to be stuck in that range. Smarter minds than me, forecast core PCE to achieve that noble 2% target in late 2024.

I am beginning to think a recession will be necessary to bring down those sticky prices, although those smart minds are already forecasting 3 consecutive quarters of negative GDP, beginning in 2nd Qtr, 2023. Which brings me to GDP.

Being a glass half full kind of guy, I look for the potential problem areas in reports, such as the GDP. It strikes me that the increase in inventories and the net deficit of imports/exports, erases that 2.6% annualized to 0%.

Going forward, I would anticipate the net deficit in imports/exports to slightly increase for the 1st quarter, and inventories to remain steady or slightly increase. Which requires the other categories to do the heavy lifting. You guessed it... it largely falls on the consumer.

I have completely wasted a few hours on this article, and it is time to enjoy Saturday.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Quick Take on GDP Revision

 The BEA release.

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in the third quarter of 2022 (table 1), according to the "second" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter, real GDP decreased 0.6 percent.

The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the "advance" estimate issued last month.  In the advance estimate, the increase in real GDP was 2.6 percent. The second estimate primarily reflected upward revisions to consumer spending and nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by a downward revision to private inventory investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased more than previously estimated (refer to "Updates to GDP").

That is good news, except when delving into the details, although still not so bad... just not so optimistic going forward. 


Considering the size of PCE relative to overall GDP, the increase is more a product of overstating the advance GDP's drop in that category. Which is a good sign, if PCE is easing back into the traditional range and all the other categories begin pulling their weight.

It should be noted, however, that consumer spending has increasingly become a greater share of the GDP. How long can that continue?


1-17-2025 Week In Review

Laugh of the week Watching Sky News and a lady proclaimed that social media sites should be held to the same strict standards as newspaper p...