Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Allow Me To Butt In, With a Rebuttal of Sorts

Here is the premise...

Some politician said it is the patriotic duty of gasoline suppliers to reduce costs and some rich dude says the politician is misdirecting or unaware of how the market works. This happened to flow right into some of my social media accounts.

This prompted one poster to reply with this. I won't do a screen capture, as it might be some violation of something. You can open the link. Crude Oil (WTI) is up 40% and Gasoline is up 60%, both from 1 year ago. It does seem to support the theory, that gasoline prices are out of line.

The problem being WTI and Brent are Global Benchmarks and Gasoline is basically a U.S. market... benchmark. So why is this? (click to enlarge)

This seems to have started diverging last fall. Here is the Price history of WTI Crude and Gasoline Futures. Which seems to be the product of exporting more gasoline than importing. For that information, here is the export history and the import history. (Weekly, in thousand of barrels).

IF gasoline futures had stayed in line with WTI, the futures would be around $3.44 and we (U.S.) would be averaging around $4.29 at the pump... nationally, and we would still be griping. 😭

I made this easy(?) to read graph on the difference...

Yes, we have upped the exports of gasoline and thereby forced the gasoline futures to battle with global pricing structures... just to keep gasoline in the USA. 

I didn't check on every country, as various countries are subsidizing, but I do keep tabs on the U.K. Even when factoring in the U.K. using a bit higher octane rating, the U.S. gasoline is a bit cheaper... when backing out taxes. This is not intended to explain away U.S. prices, but rather the nature of global pricing structures.

As to the patriotic theme, that is clearly intended for an American audience that sees a familiar name and thinks of it as an AMERICAN brand. In fact, they are Multi-National (Global) Enterprises. So they likely are being patriotic... but to what nationality?

Our patriotic politicians could reinstate the crude oil export ban, that was overturned in late 2015, and it would bring down the WTI price, but does not help the gasoline side of the equation, as there were no limits on gasoline exports. 

Has releasing 1 million barrels a day from the SPR done anything? Why yes, it has kept the WTI from going through the roof and gasoline following a similar track. 

Speaking of the SPR, with the draw of 1 million barrels per day to end at end of October... the U.S. is already planning to replenish those barrels.

Not sure what that will do to crude or gasoline futures, but there will be somebody, somewhere, ready to complain and blame someone. That someone will always be of the opposite political persuasion. 

It is sad to watch... but somehow, very entertaining as well. 

As for the Crude oil and petroleum products, much the same trend, for those interested...

Monday, June 20, 2022

Even A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day!!

In this digital age, there will be many that do not understand a reference from way back in the age of analog clocks. But on to the meat of the matter, or where’s the beef?

After months of American citizens complaining about inflation, certain politicians have determined it is a problem and are focused upon the problem. We should also understand the “rest” of the world is also experiencing inflation.

Except there was rarely a peep, until the “rest” of the world caught up with the U.S.A.

Here is a nice graph with annual inflation rates since August 2021. (Click on Picture for larger view).

Eurostat is the source for the EU, France, Germany, as well as the harmonized inflation rate of the U.S. Oddly the U.S. is not in the EU and is tracked, yet U.K. no longer appears anywhere. Someone is taking Brexit very seriously, imo. The U.K. is represented by its own Office of National Statistics, which has both HCIP and CPI. Then Canada data is taken from Statistics Canada. (I estimated the Eurostat numbers for the U.S. at 9.1%, but put 8.8% on this chart/graph to be safe on the low side).

Here is a chart as well...

There does seem to be inflation in these countries, but they are just now joining the inflation party, we have been experiencing for several months. As they say… numbers don’t lie, but politicians do. In this case, our politicians may not be lying, but have put off telling the truth until it could be spun as impacting a lot of countries. 

Clearly, we can see the impact of the natural gas pricing in the EU and UK, as well as the impact of the Ukraine invasion, for all including Canada. The U.S. can certainly join in the chorus blaming Putin, but what about the earlier periods, when both the EU and the UK were experiencing less inflation than the United States?

Why wasn’t inflation an issue then? Did our politicians need to wait for someone else to blame and then proclaim it's not my fault, everyone is having high inflation?

Hey, it will probably work... given the short attention span of most Americans. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Do Politicians Really Lie??

(Pulled this out of the old dustbin).

I suspect that current day politicians aren't the prolific liars of the days of yore. Bear with me a minute.

In days of yore, politicians heaped praise on themselves and lauded themselves on the wonderful jobs they have done and the great things they will accomplish in the future. A lot of lying took place.

In our current environment, politicians still do those things, but the real meat is in attacking the opponent with smears, etc. Unfortunately, most of these attacks on the character of their opponents are quite likely true.

Granted it is only my opinion, but based on that last paragraph... I consider today's politicians more honest than those of the past.

That is NOT to be construed as politicians of today being more honest, trustworthy, or ethical. Quite the opposite.
All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. 
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. 
On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. - H.L Mencken ?1920?
That was from nearly 100 years ago and while some people might look at some of the recent elections and nod their heads in agreement... it should be noted that most of Mencken's quote are very past tense.

Politicians have become more adept at avoiding the truth, massaging the truth and spinning the truth.

Just sayin...

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...