The Producer Price Index was released this morning and indicated an upturn.
Note that I did not revise the December, 2024 final demand, as did the BLS. Yes, December was revised upward to 3.5%.
The nervous nellies will scream inflation is roaring back. Maybe so, but it will not repeat the horrors of 2021~2022. How can I say that? Once you understand the causes, the answer becomes easy.
- After the covid shutdown and collapse of international trade, the shipping industry was in disarray, with containers to move goods... in all the wrong places.
- Retailers had significantly reduced inventories to meet the slowing demand.
- There was a rather large stimulus paid to American citizens, on top of some previous payouts.
- The covid vaccine was becoming rapidly available.
- The American people were told that it was now safe to resume normal activities.
- An impending west coast port strike for mid 2022, which did not materialize.