The monthly summary continues to improve, although PCE ex food and energy inflation numbers continue to be a concern.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Review of August 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income
Friday, August 30, 2024
Review of July 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers continue to be a concern... going forward.
Friday, July 26, 2024
Review of June 2024 data, 2Q GDP, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers continue to be a concern... going forward.
The 2nd quarter GDP came in above expectations at 2.8% annualized. I was puzzled by the slower growth in Services at 2.2% annualized, which helps explain the 2.3% annualized for personal consumption. Durable goods up 4.6% and nondurables at 1.4%, both annualized.
Overall a good report, but I would be a bit concerned if fixed investment can continue its expansion, which is equipment driven, while inventories keep building.
As for the PCE excluding food and energy... not much movement. Granted the market is anticipating a rate cut in September... and it might be warranted. A string of rate cuts might not be so warranted, imho.
We can start the cycle again for next month, with the likelihood of CPI being at or slightly above this past month's reading.
Friday, June 28, 2024
Review of May 2024 data, 1Q GDP revisions, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary continues to improve, although PPI numbers are of concern... going forward.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Review of April 2024 data, 1Q GDP revisions, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary is not so bad, actually.
Friday, April 26, 2024
Review of March 2024 data, 1Q GDP, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary is not so wonderful, incomparison...
Friday, March 29, 2024
Review of February 2024 data, 4Q GDP Revision, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary...
The overall PCE edged upward, on annual basis, with PCE ex food and energy staying flat.
Of course, the official got revised up for January, which indicates a difference from my report...
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Review of January 2024 data, 4Q GDP Revision, PCE and personal income
The monthly summary...
Monday, January 29, 2024
Review of December 2023 data, 4Q GDP, PCE and personal income
Alas, 2023 reports have concluded. The GDP's 4Q advance reading indicates a sterling 3.1% rise. I will make mention of the 5 year Quinquennial revision from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars. As would be expected the numbers jumped 9.0%. I can't help but notice the big drag on GDP of net exports of good and services, slid a whopping -26.7%.
Even under the revised numbers, that latter component fell another -5.9% from one year ago.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Review of November 2023 data, GDP, PCE and personal income
I'll try not to harp about this too much. The BEA switched from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars for 3Q23, and adjusted prior data. I download all such reports, so I can easily tell the difference.
Yes, inflation is slowing, not deflating, with the exception of gasoline, which looks to have stopped falling.
All in all, a pretty good monthly report card. I do think the market is making too big a deal on expectations of the FED cutting rates before summer, but what do I know?
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
A Further Review of 3rd Quarter, 2023 GDP... just for fun!!
So yes, the GDP was revised to 5.2% annualized, from 4.9% annualized. That does not mean the economy is robust. It's not bad, but robust is a bit of hype for politicians.
The BEA moved from 2012 dollars to 2017 dollars for the 3rd quarter releases and going forward, until next change in... say 5 years.
In theory, it should have been even across the board, after compensating for 5 years of dollar value adjustments, etc. Such as inflation being about 7.5% during that 5 year period.
If only there was someone, somewhere that downloads those excel spreadsheets from each GDP iteration.
Note the column headings for 2012 dollars and 2017 dollars AND the % Change. The changes were clearly not uniform across the various groupings.
While there was a 9% upward adjustment, several groupings failed to match that rise, including some that went negative... while others outpaced the 9% reading.
So in theory, all the numbers going back in time were revised to reflect the current situation. But again, that was very uneven. Just consider the trade deficit, which is a drag on GDP... and those changes.
All in all, it did distort the 3rd quarter readings and possibly provided a misleading annualized number. That would be no big deal... if not for an election year and people willing to make everything political.
While the current 5.2% annualized is being hailed as something significant, I wonder what will be hailed, when the 4th Qtr. 2023 is revealed on January 25th, 2024. My guess is way below that 5.2%. Back to the 2.0% annualized, or even lower!
One can imagine the hysteria over such falling numbers, but the adjustment was improperly attributed to a "robust" economy.
So remember... the trade deficit, which is a drag on GDP was revised dramatically lower, after the BIG change for 2012 to 2017 dollars. That trade deficit adjustment was about 100% of that 5.2% annualized, or ±0.1% annualized without that lone adjustment.
You think I might be off my rocker! The current Real GDP rolls in at 22,506.4B, which is a hefty 281B above the 2nd qtr. figure of 22,225.4B. Now take a look at that downward revision of the trade deficit, -284B.
Remember the trade deficit is a drag on GDP, so a downward revision in the Trade deficit would result in a higher GDP print. IF the GDP had not been revised downward by -284B, then that +281B gain in GDP would evaporate. As in +0.1% annualized.
One group will claim the economy is crashing into a recession, another group will be saying soft landing is working, and another group will be screaming the FED must cut rates rapidly.
I then ask you, if stating the 3Q23 was actually 0.1% and the 4Q24 was +1.7%, would indeed indicate a possible soft landing. Of course, the groups would likely being crying the same thing... just 3 months earlier.
It is fun to watch all the spin!
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Review of October 2023 data, GDP, PCE and personal income
Just some charts with a bit of commentary...
Are We Heading Into A Recession?
Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...

This week's full report . Gasoline pump prices rose +1.4¢ for the week, but continues below year ago levels, by -3.2¢, or -1.2%. Days...
This week's full report . Gasoline pump prices fell -1.6¢ for the week, but continues below year ago levels, by -8.8¢, or -2.88%. Day...
First up is the BLS Report for CPI ...( historical releases ) The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percen...