Showing posts with label stimulus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stimulus. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2021

Rebound or Last Gasp!


The Census Bureau has released the August Advanced Monthly Retail Sales. This release does not include inflation adjustments, so I have added inflation into the following graph, as well as Stimulus Payouts.

While the headlines noted a "rebound", it should be pointed out that one months does not make a trende. 5 months do appear to be trending down on both current dollar and inflation adjusted dollars.

The downward pressure continues from the Auto sector, which is down 8.0% from June. Clothing and clothing accessories down 2.7% from June. Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, & book stores down 4.6%. All unadjusted for inflation.

Overall, the report was down 1.1% from June... without factoring inflation, which would push it down 1.8%.

Most of that "rebound" is in the area of non store retailers, electronic shopping and mail order houses up 0.4% from June. General Merchandise stores also contributed to the "rebound" with 2.4% unadjusted for inflation.

Excluding the auto sector, the report indicated 0.077% boost over June, unadjusted. Adjusted for inflation, this sector rose 0.008%. 

I find it difficult to shoot for joy, with this report, as it appears more of a flat line with tendency downward. A lot of questions...

Is the stimulus boost waning, is it supply chain issues, is it the inflation?

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