Showing posts with label bragging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bragging. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2022

Let's brag about our firearms on Social Media

Guns are back in the headlines, so it is to be expected the discussion is on social media. I am not going to say which way I lean in the debate. I am curious about those bragging about their guns and what they would do IF needed.

First off is the need for someone to own a gun. I get the whole safety thing, but people bragging about their gun holdings and prowess of use, seems to dare a thief to pay a visit... say when you aren't home.

Certainly gun violence is at the forefront AND the discussion is about the ease of purchasing guns, lost is the number of mass shootings where illegal guns and/or ghost guns are used. No one seems able to address that... or maybe they don't want to. About the only thing that strengthening regulations for gun purchases would do... is reduce the number of mass killings with legally purchased hardware. 

Then there is the braggart, claiming they would do this or that, IF someone were to threaten them. I am not sure how that would stack up in a self defense claim. Probably not ending with the braggart being convicted of manslaughter, but the idea of being so scared as to use a weapon in self defense, would come under scrutiny if the social media brags, were to come into evidence.

I don't know how it would all end up, but I find it disturbing, as to how some people seem to think their bragging won't come around to bite them... at the end of the Day.

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