Showing posts with label walz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walz. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

2024 Presidential Election Update, September 14th Edition

The race continues to somewhat tighten, with the electoral vote forecast now having Trump/Vance with 245 to 226 for Harris/Walz. The toss-ups are now at 61, with an edge still favoring Trump at 42 and Harris at 19. Thus, Trump at 306 and Harris at 232. 270 is needed to win. 52 days to go. 

While Harris finally moved up on the electoral count, it was more of Virginia moving out of the Toss-up range in her favor. 

While nothing is firm until after the election... Trump seems to have a firmer grip on 245 EVs, with the following odds in a few other states.

  • Pennsylvania - 19 EVs... Trump odds of winning - 89%
  • Michigan - 16 EVS... Trump odds of winning - 86%
  • Arizona - 11 EVs... Trump odds of winning - 80%
  • Georgia - 16 EVs... Trump odds of winning - 69%
Those represent 62 EVs. Harris needs 3 of the 4, whereas Trump needs 2. 

Harris has whittled away at what was once a commanding Trump lead, but can that pace continue over the next 52 days? 

Now the question is whether I will continue to track all this, as my several of my files have become corrupted, and several attempts to restore them have failed. So do I go back to square 1?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

2024 Presidential Election Update, September 7th Edition

The race continues to somewhat tighten, with the electoral vote forecast now having Trump/Vance with 245 to 213 for Harris/Walz. The toss-ups are now at 80, with an edge favoring Trump at 61 and Harris at 19. Thus, Trump at 306 and Harris at 232. 270 is needed to win. 59 days to go.

Harris slipped in Georgia and held steady in Nevada. 538 has Harris with a +3.1 margin nationally, whereas I have Trump with a +0.4 lead.

It should be pointed out that Clinton was polling a +3.9 point lead nationally, just before the 2016 election. Although it should be pointed out that she lost the electoral count, due to less than 100K votes in selected states. Also, Trump lost the 2020 electoral count also, by less than 100K votes in selected states. An election that had Biden leading in the polls by +8.4 points. 

It is the electoral count that matters. AS of right now... Trump has the edge. 

Next week brings on a debate. Doubtful that the polls would include results from after the debates... for a couple of weeks. 

In a boring stage of the polling, imho. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

2024 Presidential Election Update, August 31st Edition

The race continues to somewhat tighten, with the electoral vote forecast now having Trump/Vance with 245 to 213 for Harris/Walz. The toss-ups are now at 80, with an edge favoring Trump at 45 and Harris at 35. Thus, Trump at 290 and Harris at 248. 270 is needed to win. 66 days to go.

Harris has made inroads in Georgia and Nevada and narrowed the gap in several other states. However, that bounce may be over and we have entered a plateau for both candidates. 

Should be fun to watch, imho.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024 Presidential Election Update, August 24th Edition

The race continues to somewhat tighten, with the electoral vote forecast now having Trump/Vance with 229 to 213 for Harris/Walz. The toss-ups are now at 96. 

With RFKjr seemingly dropping from the race in battleground states, the chatter is about where those votes might drop. The discussion seems to be the idea that 50% of those votes would ease towards Trump, and 25% to Harris.

If that were to take place, the Trump lead would move to 245~226. 

The question of Trump's under polling has cropped up in the conversation. This is due to Trump doing much better in polling for both 2016 and 2020. It is likely a factor, but will it extend to this election?

We will find out in 73 days, or whenever the count is completed and the lawsuits are settled. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

2024 Presidential Election Update, August 17th Edition

The race continues to somewhat tighten, with the electoral vote forecast now having Trump/Vance with 235 to 213 for Harris/Walz. The toss-ups are now at 90. The latter being Wisconsin narrowly sliding into toss-up range last week.

Throwing the toss-ups into the mix, results in Trump/Vance 301:237 Harris/Walz. The change from last week, was Arizona moving from a slight edge to Trump/Vance, to a slight edge for Harris/Walz.

The Harris/Walz lead in Arizona translates to about 10,362 votes. Biden/Harris won the state in 2020, by actual 10,457 votes.

So yes... it is getting interesting!

Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- September, 2024 Edition

With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of June data, I have updated my comparison graph.  [ Note, the USA(EU method) is direct...