With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of June data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat]
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- October, 2024 Edition
Friday, September 20, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- September, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of June data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat]
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- August, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of June data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat]
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- July, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of June data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat]
- Clogged ocean shipping containers in wrong places.
- Massive stimulus
- Vaccine rollout
- Ukraine Invasion
- Perception of definite strikes at ports for July, 2022
- Timing of rate hikes
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- June, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada, and EUstats release of May data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat]
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- May, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of April data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat with the exception of April-2024. That data was calculated by me]
- Rapid roll out of vaccines
- Proclamations of Covid being whipped.
- Massive stimulus mailed directly to households, plus government programs
- Refinery outages in Texas.
- Am eminent dock workers strike, that didn't take place.
- Low petroleum and petroleum product inventories
- Container congestion, due to empty containers in all the wrong places.
- European decision to curtail NG and petroleum imports from Russia.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- April, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of March data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- March, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of February data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- February, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of December data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
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Friday, January 19, 2024
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- January, 2024 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of December data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Long before inflation was everywhere, the phrase was transitory. Yes Virginia, the USA led that "transitory" inflation, until the rest of the world started catching up.
The chart is quite "busy", but the timeline is quite accurate.
'nuff said!
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- December, 2023 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of November data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- November, 2023 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of October data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Comparison of Inflation in selected countries- September, 2023 Edition
With the United Kingdom, Canada and EUstats release of August data, I have updated my comparison graph. [Note, the USA(EU method) is directly from Eurostat.]
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Where do we stand on Natural Gas and European Inflation.
Are we looking at the wrong stats to determine whether we will have a recession in the U.S.? Slowly, concern for China's economy has edged into the picture, but not much is being said about Europe.
Frankly, I don't see how Europe can avoid a recession and I wonder how that will impact the U.S. It is clear for all to see, the impact of natural gas will have on Europe. These aren't small numbers.
When you hear reports of the U.K. raising the cap to £4,200 annual, it might be overlooked that in early summer of last year... it was about £1,200 annual. Currently the cap is about £2,000 annual. Here is the latest futures, converted to USD...
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click to enlarge |
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click to enlarge https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/weekly/#tabs-prices-3 |
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click to enlarge https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/weekly/ |
Monday, June 20, 2022
Even A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day!!
In this digital age, there will be many that do not understand a reference from way back in the age of analog clocks. But on to the meat of the matter, or where’s the beef?
After months of American citizens complaining about inflation, certain politicians have determined it is a problem and are focused upon the problem. We should also understand the “rest” of the world is also experiencing inflation.
Except there was rarely a peep, until the “rest” of the world caught up with the U.S.A.
Here is a nice graph with annual inflation rates since August 2021. (Click on Picture for larger view).
Eurostat is the source for the EU, France, Germany, as well as the harmonized inflation rate of the U.S. Oddly the U.S. is not in the EU and is tracked, yet U.K. no longer appears anywhere. Someone is taking Brexit very seriously, imo. The U.K. is represented by its own Office of National Statistics, which has both HCIP and CPI. Then Canada data is taken from Statistics Canada. (I estimated the Eurostat numbers for the U.S. at 9.1%, but put 8.8% on this chart/graph to be safe on the low side).
Here is a chart as well...
Clearly, we can see the impact of the natural gas pricing in
the EU and UK, as well as the impact of the Ukraine invasion, for all including
Canada. The U.S. can certainly join in the chorus blaming Putin, but what about
the earlier periods, when both the EU and the UK were experiencing less
inflation than the United States?
Why wasn’t inflation an issue then? Did our politicians need to wait for
someone else to blame and then proclaim it's not my fault, everyone is having high inflation?
Hey, it will probably work... given the short attention span of most Americans.
Monday, May 2, 2022
Funny, Strange, ODD, and Disinformation!
Where France's Macron buys his suits is front page news on one of the many international news websites I peruse.
Germany's Chancellor has done another about face, which has left the columnists spinning, trying to keep up.
Europe is cooperating on gas, which suggests some sort of united front, but really ends up with several countries in Europe not cooperating and even one stating they will veto. I got to look up "cooperating", in the dictionary. Hungary claims there are 10 countries using the Rubles for Energy scheme.
Previously, Germany got the blame for obstinance regarding sanctions, but any meaningful sanctions have seen the EU bloc in disarray. Conveniently, the Germans are now pushing back by laying blame on "other" members of the EU. No doubt they will eventually coalesce their blame shifting and lay all this at the feet of Americans. Some things never change.
Pelosi has been to Ukraine and is seen posing with Zelensky. Is it one of those selfies Zelensky was so critical of?
India is on pace to have a record wheat crop. Oh wait, India is undergoing a massive heat wave which may dramatically limit the wheat crop.
Musk buys twitter and Homeland Security announces, "Disinformation Governance Board". DGB... not to be confused with KGB, which was a completely different committee. What qualifies as disinformation, misinformation, etc.? Who decides when a lie is no longer a lie, or when the truth is no longer the truth?
Speaking of disinformation... CNN is boldly proclaiming "3 Signs that Prices Could Soon Come Down." Prices coming down would be a sign of "deflation". The rate of inflation might come down, but prices... not so much. But it is CNN, so excuse the confusion or is this what the KGB DGB will soon remedy? Not intentionally leaving out FOX, MSNBC, et al, but it is way too much.
I keep reading where China's economy may be stalling, but until China says it is... it isn't. I fully expect them to say they are meeting targets. <wink> <wink>
A lot of concern about U.S. farmers cutting back on fertilizer and the potential for much lower crop yields as a result. The big farmers bought their fertilizers and inputs and had it all delivered by December 31st. Granted the big farmers does not equate to all farmers, but the weather is still the biggest factor. That weather has not been very cooperative at the start of this planting season.
This nugget from a Deutsche Welle opinion piece, regarding North Korea...
Pyongyang claims the most advanced weapon in its armory can carry multiple warheads and has a range of more than 15,000 kilometers (9,300 miles), putting the entire continental US within striking distance.
Note that the continental US is singled out. That distance puts all of Asia, Europe, Oceania, the North American Continent, most of Antarctica, most of Africa, and South America above the equator. It would not be difficult to understand the continental U.S. would be the main objective, but the wording seems to indicate only the U.S., while ignoring fallout, etc.
Run out of things to ponder, so time to wrap this up.
Are We Heading Into A Recession?
Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...

This week's full report . Gasoline pump prices rose +1.4¢ for the week, but continues below year ago levels, by -3.2¢, or -1.2%. Days...
This week's full report . Gasoline pump prices fell -1.6¢ for the week, but continues below year ago levels, by -8.8¢, or -2.88%. Day...
First up is the BLS Report for CPI ...( historical releases ) The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percen...