Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Continuing a Time Honored Tradition... An Old Person Rant!


I am old and therefore expected to rant like an old person... so here goes.

The world is changing and not in a good way. Familiar with this mantra? It is the fall back for most of us older folks, yet ignores the same thing being said by seniors back when we were "young."

I recall my Father ranting about today's youth and the downfall of America's values. My Grandfather was also in the vicinity and recalled how he thought the same thing a generation earlier. My Grandfather was born in 1888 and my father in 1911. My grandfather probably looked around circa 1930 and was justifiably concerned about the way things were going. My father probably looked around in the late 60s and was of the same frame of thought.

I didn't have a lot to complain about in the 90s, when my kids were exiting their teenage years. But lo and behold, there is plenty to rant about now. The problem I have is which group to blame. My grandchildren, my children, or I. 

This probably falls on me, just like it fell on previous generations of the past. WE set in motion what is the reality of today. 

Unfortunately, there is not a lot my generation can do at this point and will need to rely on the younger generations. Whether they rise to the challenge or ignore it, as done by previous generations, is up to them. They are creating the world they wish to live in, which might not be my first choice. 

In summary, I need to step back and stop complaining about how the world is going to hell in a hand basket. It is my world that is doing that... not theirs.

However, the realization of that does not prohibit me from whining and complaining. That is about all I have left... so just roll your eyes, shake your head, and give me some space. Afterall, this will be you a generation from now. 😊

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