Showing posts with label supplemental security income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplemental security income. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

What is Social Security?

Quite often we hear of some group wanting to eliminate waste in social security, make adjustments to save social security, etc.

Generally speaking, most of us think of social security as that pension for old folks, with the trust funds etc. That is just part of social security. 

Social Security can be found in Title 42, Chapter 7 of the U.S. Code. There are currently, 21 sub chapters, with subchapter 2 being something called "Federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance. OASDI. That is the part we frequently refer to as social security, with trust funds. Medicare is subchapter 18, with associated trust funds. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is within subchapter 16.

But in reality, Social Security encompasses dozens of programs, which are in the form of block grants to states, as well as budgeted appropriations for all manner of items, from CHIPS, SNAP, Food Stamps, etc. 

Here is a partial listing of such social security items...

So when someone tries to stir up trouble with the mantra of illegals, migrants, etc. are collecting social security... it's not likely to be OASDI, but could be in the form of various other programs. 

When someone attempts to scare away the seniors with proclamations that a certain group are out to get your social security... just exactly what program within social security, are they referring.

There are a variety of proposals in congress to make adjustments to "social security", but aren't spun as social security.

Recently a proposal to address the claw back issue in Medicaid got some attention. Everyone thought it a good idea. Not a mention of social security, except the bill itself stated... 

Of course, the term social security was not used in the media, as it would have caused a kerfuffle if the media used the term "amend social security". 

I doubt things will change, as our masters fully understand our ignorance on the matter of "social security", and thus use it... for political purposes. 

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