Showing posts with label hallucinating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hallucinating. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2021

It's All in the Name... Comirnaty/Pfizer!!!


Pfizer or Cormirnaty

Madness is rampant and when a politico says maddening things, then how can one reasonably expect the populace to act differently?

I can't remember exactly where I read it, but suspect I know where (I do read across the political spectrum). As I am not 100% certain, all will remain nameless. Of course, I may have hallucinated the entire thing, as the idea a U.S. Senator would be so loopy as to defy imagination... almost. 

It would seem a nameless Senator questioned whether the Pfizer Drug has really been fully approved for use in the U.S. As I understand it, the Pfizer Vaccine is now called Comirnaty. So it might be technically correct, after a fashion, that the Senator could be correct.

However, there is nothing different except the name. Imagine the U.S. deciding to change the name of a dollar bill to something like turkey gobbler bills. The turkey gobbler bills are now being printed and will say one turkey gobbler. In the interim, the dollar bills will still be treated and exchanged the same as the new turkey gobbler bills.

I had a friend that once asked to borrow 20 bucks, I gave him 20 dollars. Later he said "here is the 20 bucks I owe you". I took it and never gave it a thought. 

So really no difference... a buck is still a buck or a rose is still a rose, whatever!! I would, however, suggest that Pfizer made a sad choice in the drug name. I can't help mixing it with comoriarity which associates with the villain in Sherlock Holmes. 

Both Holmes and Moriarity were much smarter than I, but they were also fictitious characters. Perhaps the idea of all Senators being smart is also a work of fiction. Comirluminati???

The Sky is falling!

Sulphur Dioxide is making news in Europe. Apparently the volcanic eruptions spewing lava into the ocean is saturating the atmosphere. I spent the better part of an hour researching Sulphur Dioxide. I found out it makes breathing difficult and causes people that eat a lot of healthy vegetables... burp. I really need to burp more and simultaneously avoid breathing Sulphur Dioxide!!! Oh yeah, it also causes acid rain. 

That's about all I can come up with for now.

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...