Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Recent Heatwaves and What Are We Doing About Them?

I am sometimes amazed by social media and what can be posted. A large portion of the planet has been experiencing heatwaves of late. Or so says social media sites I frequent. I am of the school of thought, that the frequency of heatwaves are a product of climate change. Let's be very clear about that.

What I found interesting was the heatwave in jolly old England. When the discussion turned to using Air Conditioners, the vast majority of Brits and other folks from the U.K., appeared solidly against such things, as a mere few days... from time to time, can be overcome.

That is fine, as it is their decision. However, they will also blame climate change for these mere few days that come from time to time. There seems to be a disconnect, in my opinion.

I have mentioned this in a previous blog, but we need to get all the governments of the world to get it in gear. However, even if they "get it in gear", we are still left with a changing climate for decades to come. 

Seriously, that crap in the sky will not suddenly disappear with a sudden and real global collective effort to reduce emissions. IF and this is a big if... we were to wake up tomorrow with every country on the planet completely committed to the current accords (getting it in gear), we are still left with the effects of what has happened previously. It will take decades.

I am not saying we should just throw our hands up and give up trying. It will only get worse, if we do that.

I guess what I am trying to say is... even IF all governments suddenly get on board with reducing emissions and actually do start to achieve those stated goals, the atmosphere will take decades to get rid of the emissions that are already there.

So those infrequent heatwaves will become more frequent for some decades into the future. They will become stronger or hotter, etc. In fact the cold snaps will become colder as well. Climate is changing.

It might be time for some Brits to check up on the cost of installing A.C. If the preference remains to not install A.C., that is fine also. 

Just please shut the ^*&* up the next time it gets hot!  Okay? It's almost as if you expect someone to come to the rescue and reverse global warming back to 200 years ago. Maybe in a few hundred years, but not overnight, or next year or the next decade, etc. 

I guess I am done for now. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Global Warming!

This tends to be a sensitive subject, but as there will likely be no visitors or feedback, why not express my stupid opinion? Opinions are like theories, or so some #$&*s say.

Once you peal back the layers of this subject, from the outright liars, conspiracy theorists and fraudulent experts; as well as the predictors of doom, blathering fools trying to make every weather event a sign of the end times; you finally get to the core, in my opinion. Yes the earth is indeed warming.

That it is due to humans should go without saying. There are too many of us. Getting even half of us humans to agree on substantial emissions is folly, so we should not expect any real, meaningful and/or humane solution. Everybody, except for a small minority... wants someone else to do the heavy lifting.

The latest mantra is we need to cut net emissions by half by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. As I understand it the earth does have some capacity to absorb these emission, but we have been exceeding this for decades. It is the carbon sinks vs carbon emissions. As an example only, if the earth has the capacity to absorb 1 million of something through its various carbon sinks of oceans, forests, etc. and we are emitting 3 million of something, then cutting in half would mean a reduction of 1 million and net zero would require the other million in excess.

The problem in reality is the carbon sinks are being eroded, through clearing of forests, etc. Oceans can only absorb so much, similar to a glass of water. You can keep putting an ounce in that glass, until it finally holds no more.

Some of those carbon sinks are from centuries past and rest in ice. As those ice caps melt, those captured emissions are again released. And those ice caps are going to melt. There is no turning back from that conclusion, as we haven't halted the temperature rise and a reversal is what is required to save the ice caps. This reversal will not happen in my lifetime and frankly... not in my grandchildren's lifetime. Maybe their grandchildren's lifetime. 

My point being that we cannot achieve the 2030 or 2050 goals, unless technology is developed (and quickly) to capture these emissions.

Climate change is happening and coastal areas appear to expect everyone else to do something. They need to be moving to higher ground. Inland, storms will have greater impacts, so structures need to be built stronger. There are numerous issues coming, yet nothing is actually being done. Supposedly, green energy will save us all, but frankly... that is evolving much too slowly to have any impact during this century. Coal demand is higher than ever in places like China and India. Crude oil is still in high demand as evidenced by the price of crude and Biden's request for OPEC to pump more.

The have nots are needing helps from the haves. First and foremost, the haves are viewing this as a money making opportunity.

Just like an approaching hurricane, people sit on their hands till the very last minute, to do something... generally when it is too late.

I suppose humans have survived worse, but have any civilizations?

I will personally be able to meet that net zero emission target by 2050 and what is troubling to me... I might meet it by 2030 or even earlier.

Are We Heading Into A Recession?

Remember back when the 2022 1st and 2nd quarter GDP numbers came in... and those politically motivated types screamed "we are in a rece...