Friday, October 22, 2021

Not So Random Thoughts

Capitalism and Corporatism

We think our country is a capitalist country, but I suspect it has evolved into corporatism. As companies grew in size and captured more share market, they squeezed out competition required in a capitalist society. Obviously true capitalism was running rampant and needed to be held in check from their nefarious business dealings, oppression of workers and harm to consumers. 

The evolution of government controls led to smaller companies being overtaken by larger companies. 

As these industrial giants took over such vast swaths of their consumer spending habits, they found it beneficial to lobby for their own industry with the concept of "what's good for General Motors is good for America". 

You probably remember hearing that saying, but there is a major problem... that is not exactly what Charles Wilson said in full context. The context being that he once believed it, but no longer. 

In any case, we have the healthcare industry, the military industrial complex, the education industry, the law enforcement industry, the agricultural industry, the retail industry, automotive industry, financial industry, legal industry and every darn thing out there has an industry, complete with lobbyists and PR people speaking on its behalf and enticing their respective workforces to answer the call of duty. 

Any time there is an instance of misbehavior, cheating, lying, etc. they are all over it with the PR spin, which includes suggestive comments about the overall viability of the industry being threatened and the impact on those critical wage earners and how truly awful it would be if these poor hard working Americans are affected. How dare you point out any malfeasance!  Every industry is quick to point out their importance and necessity... true or false.

Journalism as an industry...

Ran across this example of corporatism... When the local newspaper leaves town: the effects of local newspaper closures on corporate misconduct (PDF)

This was a hoot. I don't care where that newspaper is located, its source of revenue is through subscriptions or advertising. The newspaper that does not adhere to the local citizens and advertiser's way of thinking... simply cease to exist. Even if the national news has a crushing expose on a company with a local footprint, that local news outlet will print large swaths of the paper to the company rebuttal, with assurances the company is benevolent and considerate to local needs. Casting dispersions on a local person's place of employ is not conducive to subscriptions and gaining advertisements. 

What has happened is these local sources have been swallowed up by larger companies and streamlined to internet platforms. BTW, please do not think journalists are unbiased. How else can you explain graduates of prestigious schools jumping from so called "left wing" news organizations to so called "right wing" news organizations. Just like any industry... you must conform to the ideology of the masters or risk losing that position. 

Once the American people had companies competing for their attention, and companies had to meet certain expectations or face the wrath of the consumers. There is no industry truly policing itself and competition is nearly gone. Just as Law Enforcement does an inadequate job of policing itself, so does every other industry... including journalism. 

Journalism might be pure in the world of academia and for a short period after graduation. Money tends to erode ethics. 

All those we are supposed to rely upon are... MISSING IN ACTION.

Note: Article written on 10-15-2021 and links may no longer be viable OR behind a paywall.

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