Friday, October 1, 2021

The Good Ole Days Are Back!!?


The not so good old days

Image by confused_me from Pixabay

Not really, but the PCE headline of highest inflation in 30 years, conjured back to a time 30 years ago when the PCE was the lowest it had been in awhile. It's all about the point of view or context or whatever.

A rational point of view...

Justice Kavanaugh tested positive for covid and is asymptomatic. Which brings me to why I am posting here. My old haunts have become so hateful and divided, some are wishing him the most horrible things. There are clearly some things far worse than Covid, imo.

United Kingdom...

The U.K is still experiencing petrol shortages and is still saying there is plenty of Petrol and to stop hoarding and purchase normally. Never mind the public had been purchasing normally, when the shortages began and nothing has really been changed.

Glad I live in a country where the leaders are always on the lookout for their citizens' best interest. ROFLMAO, c'mon... everyone could use a good laugh.

Debt Ceiling...

I read where Janet Yellen is proposing elimination of the "debt ceiling". May as well, as it always gets raised after much haggling back and forth. I get the idea of limiting increased debt, but each party drags their feet when the other is in power, etc. All in all, the debt just keeps on rapidly rising.

Problems with gas...

I see where China has ordered their energy companies to get supplies at any cost. At some point that has to be passed on to the customers, or the government (banks, etc) is stepping in to assist at any cost. It may not be passed on to the Chinese public, but likely to exporters. I wonder who that would be? Look out!

In addition, I read the price of natural gas is akin to $190 a barrel of oil, before this mad dash by China. Those kind of numbers would put a serious crimp in the economy, imo. How can coal prices be nearly double anything over the past 10 years, if we are moving away from coal? Oh wait... the Global consumption of Coal is not slated to start dropping until around 2030. So much for those Climate Change targets.

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go...

The U.S. International Net Position was released by the Federal Reserve. It ain't good...
It has rapidly deteriorated since last quarter. This can't end well. Of course I won't end well either, it is just which doesn't end well first. WHEW!!!

Not a lot else comes to mind and it is Friday afternoon. Back in to good old days meant the weekend was nigh. It's just another day for an old retired guy. BUT I was 30 years younger, 30 years ago and that is better than where I am now. Ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Life is flying by fast. It seems the same old news is getting recycled.


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