Friday, October 8, 2021

Us Old Folks and Nonsense About Today's Youth


I've belonged to various websites over the years and naturally gravitated towards those websites for older folks.

These are the websites where older folks frequently grumble about the state of today's youth. Nearly every comment has some merit, but given the nature and frequency of asinine comments about subjects other than the state of today's youth... we elders may be worse off in the intellect department.

Then there is the tiny matter of the state of our union and the whole hearted denial of that "state", unless the opposition party is in power.

The unending diatribes of how the constitution is being misinterpreted... usually by the opposition party in power.

The list goes on and on, but never mind that silliness... focus on the failings of today's youth and completely ignore the stupidity we created and indulge in, on a frequent basis.

Yes, today's youth are woefully unprepared for the world and could likely fail. WE created this current world and its condition is nearly irreversible.

So when you hear some of these folks lament the youth of today, instead of agreeing... look very closely at some of the other "stuff" they believe, such as...

  • Flat earth
  • Hollow earth
  • One of my favorites..."global warming theory is just a theory and we all know that is not much more than just an opinion... not really factual".
  • Craters on the moon are really fake, as it would be impossible for an asteriod to hit the moon on the side facing us.
  • etc. etc.
Some of those examples (there are lots more) might be extreme, but the susceptibility of my generation to nonsensical ideas is on par with any of the zaniness of today's youth, imo.

Shame on us!!

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