Friday, January 28, 2022

Near End of the Month, So December 2021 Inflation Numbers and Other Stuff.

It's all the inflation numbers in one chart. As always, the MPI is most important to me, as it is what I spend.

The forecast across the board for January is upward... except maybe for the PPI. It's hard to imagine consumer spending slipping, inventories jumping and orders lagging... resulting in anything other than a deceleration of the PPI. But the experts seem to think May is when things will start to decelerate for all the above. In fact the PPI is forecast to reverse in May, back to 5 months ago range, which will somewhat stagnate the monthly CPI... not a reversal.  

BUT... a bit of history. Last year, there was consensus on helicopter money directly to the masses. Our leaders wanted it to jump start the economy and the FED said do it, we've got your back. The the term transitory became a popular word... until it was decided it might no longer be applicable to the current situation. 

So the FED is fixing to do something and the knives are out. Who knows what will happen?

Unfortunately for a lot of Americans on fixed income, it will not help, as the die is already cast. A fixed income limits any increases in spending and reduces the amount purchased. The alternative would be adding debt, which would now be costlier, if the rates are raised. It is a never ending cycle, imo.

Enough of the depressing news. I'll go watch some YouTube comedians or take a nap... or both.

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