Sunday, June 19, 2022

Those Pesky Sensors at Intersections

I realize, you may not understand or what I am referring. If you have had to wait through multiple lights at left turn lanes, that have left turn lights, then you will. 

I am over reacting and wanting to gripe, so bear with me. On most intersections where I live, that have left turn signals as part of the traffic light system... there are sensors embedded in the road. Just behind that big white rectangle, which is the stopping point for traffic. 
I really have no problem with Car A over running that mark, as I can still pull up on that sensor and the next time the traffic signals cycle... I can get clear path to turn. 

That car B, that pulls up short, throws a monkey wrench in the whole system. The traffic lights do not sense anyone in that sensor area and will just skip the left turn green light and allow on coming traffic. 

Time and time again, I have ended up behind someone pulling up short in these cases and the traffic signals are cycling over and over, with no movement in that left turning lane.

Okay... my rant is over. 

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