Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Review of EIA Weekly Report for August 10th 2022

The EIA released the latest weekly report, and I am still not seeing demand destruction. Yes, from this time last year, but it is hard to make a call on demand destruction, when the days supply of gasoline falls from 26.2 last week, to 24.9 for this week's report. 

Yes, Gasoline Inventories fell nearly 5.0M BBLS from last week's report. Might the imports/exports of gasoline have something to do with that. We did export 3.2M BBLS more than import... last week. I am not sure where all those numbers citing demand destruction are coming from. 

The market for gasoline has shot up 11¢, as of this writing. Not the only one... NOT seeing demand destruction. 

Yes, I could be looking at all this wrong, but it would take some proof, that I haven't seen

On to the Natural Gas stuff...
I have about give up on trying to understand the European (including U.K.) situation. I still track it and read about it, but figure there is enough to worry about on this side of the Atlantic. Although... whether or not we in the U.S. are in a recession or about to be, it is becoming very clear that the other side of the Atlantic will almost definitely be. Does it aggravate our situation?

While the U.S. natural gas prices are back on the rise, I would expect a bit of a jump going forward, depending on whether the Freeport facility gets up to full run. It has stated early October start-up. Plus, Calcasieu Pass has been granted approval for blocks 5 and 6, whatever that means.

Meanwhile, here's hoping for a mild winter...

We are staying ahead of the curve, so that is good. 

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