Friday, October 28, 2022

Personal Consumption Expenditures and Outlays Report - October 28th

The BEA released the Personal Income and Outlays, September 2022, this morning.

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Not real sure where the money for personal consumption expenditures is coming from, given the fall off of disposable income. Credit? Of course it is a factor, and not sure how resilient the consumer will be in the coming months, against higher interest rates.

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The pink is slowly receding from this chart, but that is more about base effects of Year over Year measurements. The Month on Month projections for October inflation are expected to be the highest... since June. 

Available stats for October would have gasoline rising +2.6%, after falling since June. According to my own personal expense tabulations... food sure isn't slowing. Of course the month is not over and something dramatic could happen to lower those two. It would take free giveaways of food and gasoline, which is not impossible... but highly improbable.

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