Sunday, November 20, 2022

I Voted, But My Rationale Was Probably Different Than Yours

I have long considered the likelihood of media manipulation of the 2016 election. I don't think there was vote fraud, or at least to the extent to alter the election results for 2016 or 2020. I should explain myself. 

I was somewhat puzzled in early 2016, when the center left of the mainstream media, really amped up the noise around a Trump campaign. Afterall, it was a "joke" campaign. However, that "joke" campaign started to erode the legitimacy of more convention Republican candidates, which would be of benefit to those same center left media companies, specifically those... well left of center organizations.

This managed to propel Trump into the republican nomination, which was certain to end in defeat to Clinton. They were so certain of a Clinton victory, it was deemed necessary to show some "balance" by promoting news, that was harmful to Clinton. This was all okay, as Clinton could not conceivably lose.

Yep, there were some shocked people in those newsrooms. It was important to rectify their mistakes by immediately pointing fingers at everyone else. That continued through the 2020 campaign, and finally Trump was ousted. Not by much, as a few thousand votes in certain states could have given Trump victory, just like a swing of a few thousand votes in 2016, would have given Clinton victory.

It is very clear that Trump was a drag on what should have been a victory dance in 2022, for the republicans. The democrats need Trump running loose, to be able to win in 2024. If you cannot see this trap, then you are blind. Basically, Trump needs to sit down and hush, for the republicans to have a shot in 2024.

The democrats need Trump to be front and center, for them to feel good about 2024. That's why I voted to keep Trump banned on twitter. 

Every time Trump tweets, the lamestream media will pounce on it, rebroadcast it, make political hay of it... just to keep Trump in the minds of voters, even ones that are trying to forget him.

Then there is the curious case of Biden. Democrats do not need Biden in 2024. That he was the best the democrats could do in 2020, is a testament to their horrid track record of developing worthwhile candidates. Lest we forget... the republicans gave us Trump. We have to be nearing rock bottom for choices to be between Biden and Trump.

It is time to turn it over to younger people of both parties. Let's start with... say less than 75!!!😎

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