Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Answer is Eight

The amazing things that can occupy our minds and divide us. 


For some strange reason, folks think PEMDAS means multiplication comes before division.

From Mathnasium...

As you read them... from left to right. NOT one left to right, and then the other. 

Just a little ditty, for future reference, as these things seem to occupy the minds of so many. 


Step one. Convert the Parenthesis (4-2), which becomes (2), the result being 8÷2(2)=

Step two. Going left to right the first MD is a D, so solve that division. Result is 4(2)=

Step three. Going left to right the next MD, is an M, so the result is 4x2=8.

Why is this so difficult, and why does there need to be so much back and forth, over something so simple?

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