Thursday, June 15, 2023

6-15-23, Advance Retail Sales Report for May

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services, May 2023.

Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for May 2023, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $686.6 billion, up 0.3 percent (±0.5 percent)* from the previous month, and up 1.6 percent (±0.7 percent) above May 2022. Total sales for the March 2023 through May 2023 period were up 1.7 percent (±0.4 percent) from the same period a year ago. The March 2023 to April 2023 percent change was unrevised at 0.4 percent (±0.2 percent).

The advance estimate are in current dollars, and are not adjusted for inflation. The CPI for May was 4.0% Y/Y, while the advance sales estimates were up 1.6% (± 0.7%). Effectively paying more for less. 

Retail trade sales were up 0.3 percent (±0.5 percent)* from April 2023, and up 0.7 percent (±0.5 percent) above last year. Nonstore retailers were up 6.5 percent (±1.4 percent) from last year, while food services and drinking places were up 8.0 percent (±2.3 percent) from May 2022.

Time for the revisions...

I do not fault the bean counters, as it is openly acknowledged that estimates are based on incomplete information. The problem is with the media, that jump to conclusions based on incomplete information.

In short, the sales numbers are rather stagnant, when factoring in inflation, and not really growing much when using constant dollars.

So the folks extolling the "sales" increase are  not exactly paying attention to the revised numbers, and those constantly forecasting a collapse aren't paying attention, as well. 

No news is actually good news, in this case, or at least in my humble opinion.



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