Thursday, June 22, 2023

Gasoline consumption per latest EIA data, June 22, 2023

Gasoline prices (per AAA) eased down  from last report at $3.584, or -0.7¢. One year ago the price had ballooned to $4.955, and was on its downward trajectory... into the mid September lull, around  $3.67.

Consumption slipped -1.2% from last week, and stands 2.7% above year ago numbers. (This is a four week moving average).

The import/export surplus of gasoline since last March 1st 2022, stands at +98.7M barrels. The import/export numbers are starting to reflect pre Ukraine invasion pattern. Which was the U.S. importing in the spring- summer and exporting in the fall - winter. It generally was balanced through the year. 

Where will pump prices be next week? My estimate last week was ±5.0¢ and down -0.7¢.

Not sure that will happen this coming week, as several factors have me leaning to pump prices heading a bit lower. Again, the range may be in the ±7¢, with a downward bias. Okay, for a bold number... national average for AAA at $3.511, on next the 28th of June. 

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