Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Gasoline consumption per latest EIA data, July 19, 2023

Gasoline prices (per AAA) rose from last report to $3.569. One year ago the price had fallen to $4.495, and was on its downward trajectory... into the mid September lull, around  $3.67.

Consumption slipped week over week, but stands 3.8% above year ago numbers. (This is a four week moving average).

he import/export surplus of gasoline since last March 1st 2022, jumped to +103.6M barrels. It had basically remained flat for the past 3 months, until the previous week's +2.3M barrel jump, and this past week at +2.5M barrels.

The pump prices are most likely set to rise, but in the 5¢ range. This is mostly based on crack spread edging up, exports, and refinery operation rates. Take you pick.

After the ups and downs, the pattern seems to be stable in the $3.55~$3.65 range. 

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