Sunday, April 17, 2022

Confusing Statements, Ideas and downright lies!!!

Where to start? I just read someone claiming to be an geopolitical expert... state that Russia is landlocked and this was one of the reasons for Russia seeking control of Ukraine. GEE OH!! Get a map for pete's sake. Or possibly St. Petersburg's sake as it is a saltwater port from May through December (not frozen in). I will lightly mention Murmansk, which is ice free year round and lies above the arctic circle.

Then we have the Sea of Azov, where Mariupol is located. To transit the Sea of Azov into the Black Sea means passing through the Kerch Strait, which is controlled on both sides by Russia. Once into the Black sea, passage through the Bosporus and  Dardanelles is needed. WOW!!

A lot of virtue signaling. A lot of countries are welcoming Ukrainians with open arms and little to no paperwork. This is really a grand thing, but most of the refugees are women and children. Are we simply ignoring they may wish to sometime return to Ukraine? Or are we simply ignoring the horrible truth of the men's survival rate and likelihood of a destroyed Ukraine for generations to come?

I am not even venturing into the racial aspects, which should also be questioned. Apparently there are estimates of some 26 million refugees worldwide, yet... never mind. 

I keep hearing how cutting off Russian oil and natural gas would bring Putin to his knees. Apparently the inconvenience that might cause some European countries is to great a cost to bear... even when factoring in Ukrainian lives.

I've been reading reports of the China lockdown being so severe... that farmers plowing their fields are being arrested for not staying in lockdown. Then there are reports that nearly 400 million are in lockdown. Let's hope the number is way south of that, as the global economic disruption would be HUGE! 

It's been a long time since I bothered with forex, but there is something weird going on. Maybe it was always this way and I have forgotten. 

I may edit this with some more information, as I see fit.

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