Friday, November 11, 2022

Natural Gas Stats Nov-11-2022

The weekly update from the EIA.

Working natural gas in storage in the Lower 48 states as of October 31, 2022, totaled 3,531 billion cubic feet (Bcf), according to month-ending estimates based on EIA’s Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report released November 10. This total is the second-lowest end-of-refill-season inventory level since 2008. Total inventory as of October 31 was 115 Bcf (3%) less than the five-year (2017–21) end-of-October average and 104 Bcf (3%) less than last year at this time.
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Overall at the mid range of 5 year average... the problem is in the East.
That would suggest some improvement. However, on a five year average...

Of course, this is the east, but not specifically the northeast, where the real problem seems to lie. There is a debate on how to handle this, but I lean toward this guy's idea. It is a 23 minute video, but seems to clear the air, on what is happening... and a potential solution. 

It should be noted, the dollar has sank about 6.7% from 6 weeks ago. The average annual household energy range for the U.K., back in July was £3,600~£5,400. It now stands at the £2,300~£2,950 range, so significant improvement, although a far cry from 2 years ago. Still that £2,500 cap, takes on a whole different look at this point in time. 

In the U.S., I would expect a 20% jump for households, on top of what is already in place.

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