Monday, February 27, 2023

Insanity is Bi-partisan!

Not that long ago, the 25th Amendment became a big story among democrats (Nancy Pelosi), as they sought a way to remove Trump from office. After January 6th, republicans joined in. Apparently, Pence was considered a better option.

However, it never took root and likely would not have been implemented. A simple read of the relevant section, would seem to indicate why it would have been unlikely. Majority of cabinet... twice, 2/3 of house and senate. It would have been easier to impeach, imho.

Fast forward to 2023, and once again someone is suggesting the 25th Amendment. This time initiated by disgruntled republicans, in regards to Biden. Those same republicans that despise Kamala Harris.

This is what baffles me... They want to replace Biden, on the pretext he is not of sound mind, with someone they regard as being flaky. I would have to suggest those making such arguments, are also not of sound mind, flaky, etc.

Realistically, the proponents of the 2021 and the 2023 25th Amendment usage are not crazy, but really do believe their constituency is dumber than a box of rocks, and this makes for further divisions among groups that relish the hyper partisan rhetoric. It's much easier to keep the public unaware of the fleecing going on, by both parties.

Sadly, I am beginning to believe they are correct about their constituencies.

Being a part of those constituencies... what the hell does that make me? 

I already know, so spare me the comments.

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