Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Foray into the 2024 Presidential Election, Part XVII

The race is tightening a bit on the national level, with Trump edge of 0.7% from two weeks ago, now standing at 0.2%. This is tighter than fivethirtyeight, which has the Trump edge a 1.3%.

The current comparison to same time four years ago...

The national average is currently far different than anytime during the 2020 election cycle, as well as the actual election.

As for the Electoral Vote projections, this has tightened a bit, but still favors Trump. This is due to Michigan slipping into toss-up territory.

Trump still holds a 297-216 lead in Electoral Votes, with the threshold of 270, needed to win. There are still 156 days until the election. 

A couple of weeks until the next update, unless major changes... which I do not expect.

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