Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Let me get this straight!

The excuse being that he jetted around the globe for a couple of weeks, then spent 7 days prepping for the debate, which resulted in that disastrous debate, where he also had a "cold." 

After which he was paraded around a restaurant, and was miraculously cured the very next day... giving a speech in North Carolina, where he energetically read from a teleprompter.

After which it was leaked that he functions best between 10AM and 5PM.

What about those other times of day? What about any future travels, such as a campaign trail? Does his staff actually obey his orders? Are those orders being given by someone else? Is a convicted felon in charge of his father's affairs, sitting in on classified briefings, or is it Jill, or maybe both.

He may have dementia or sundowners. Either of which have the side effects, not only of forgetfulness, foggy thinking... but bouts of rage, where even the closest ones become targets. WHO IS IN CONTROL OF THE NUCLEAR BRIEFCASE?

Forget about the nomination, what about the next 6 months and 17 days.   

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